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EPS geofoam blocks

EPS Geofoam For Foundations

When designing or engineering a construction project, your plans should provide a smooth build and worry-free results. EPS Geofoam Blocks for foundations will meet your project’s building codes. This lightweight infill also provides greater longevity for your design and engineering project. Geofoam is laid down faster than traditional fill, saving you on labor costs, land the impact of disruptive weather. And with sustainable eps Geofoam you will not contaminate the site or soil.

EPS Geofoam for foundations are used as directly behind retaining walls, bridge abutments or foundation walls for a considerable reduction of lateral stress on the structure. Due to the earth materials being heavy, inducing settlement, instability and even lateral pressures, geofoam can be used to reduce axial loads on weaker sub-soils and reducing/eliminating lateral loads on abutments and foundations.

EPS Thermocol Geofoam

EPS Geofoam manufacturer

If you want to know more about the benefits of Geofoam, contact one of our EPS thermocol product specialists today by calling +91-8448187715/17/48! EPACK India is a leading EPS Geofoam manufacturer and supplier of Geofoam Blocks for foundations in India for filling foundations as per your requirements. We are based in Greater Noida, Delhi NCR since 1989.





Easy To Mold

Easy To Mold

Precise Dimensions

Precise Dimensions

Good Chemical Resistance

Good Chemical Resistance

Durable Quality

Durable Quality

High Resistant To Water And Heat

High Resistant To Water & Heat

Recyclable Material

Recyclable Material

Long Lasting

Long Lasting

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